Advent: a season of preparation

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Advent is the first season of the Christian calendar year. It is a time of anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Messiah (Jesus Christ) and reflecting on the reasons we so desperately are in need of the greatest gift of all time. During this season we revisit the story of Christ’s birth to prepare our hearts and our homes to encounter Jesus in the year to come. It is a time to harness the excitement and joy that comes with the Christmas season and allow it to influence and color the way we understand God with us. Advent is a time to wonder about our Creator’s love for us and the ways that love motivated God to continually pursue us.

As a kid, our family had its own tradition to usher in the season. The day after Thanksgiving was one of the most exciting days of the year because it was the day that our home was transformed into a magical winter wonderland. Early in the morning, Christmas music would begin to play, decorations began to cover every surface, and multi-color bulbs could be seen twinkling inside and out. As the day closed, we would dress the tree and everyone would select their favorite ornaments while reminiscing about years past. This activity concluded with placing the angel on top of the tree, which served as an exclamation point to the end of a wonderful day. Our tradition not only signified but also revealed that the Christmas season was upon us.

As the founder of Constant Source, I believe that every parent is called and uniquely gifted to spiritually lead their family in a way that nobody else can. In many ways, my family’s day after Thanksgiving practice parallels the major themes of Advent. It was a day of preparation, a day of remembering, a day of tradition, and a day that set the tone for the season ahead. As we enter into the Advent Season, it is my hope that the Holy Spirit would envelop your family in the wonder and joy of the coming King, and that you would be empowered to draw your family into Jesus’s story this holiday season.

That being said, we know that stepping into this role can feel difficult and daunting.  So, we’ve designed a tool to help, and for Advent this year, we are once again sharing it on our blog completely free. Starting next Monday (November 25, 2019), we will be reposting our weekly Advent blog from last year that will help you better understand what the season is all about. The blog will walk you through traditional Biblical texts, give you space to reflect on your own faith, and then provide the tools you need to create a special family night experience during Advent this year.

But that’s not all!

This year we are adding a new tool to the mix. One of our favorite things to talk about here at Constant Source is rhythm, specifically the ways in which establishing a spiritual rhythm within our families helps us to grow closer to God. To help with this during the Advent 2019 season, we are going to be utilizing a tried and trusted Christian discipline to daily bring us together to help us focus on all that God is doing in the midst of the holiday season. We know that this season can often be busier than most, so our activity is designed to help you and your family successfully create a rhythm in less than five minutes a day. If you want to make sure you don’t miss out on all of our great blog posts during Advent be sure to sign-up using the form below and we will be sure that each advent email lands straight in your inbox.

Advent Devotional

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    We hope that you will join us in preparing for Christmas and, if you think others would benefit from this too, we ask that you would take a moment to share it on social media using one of the buttons below!

    In the meantime, may God bless your family and prepare their hearts in this season. May they come to know the rich love of God who so desperately wants to be in relationship with them, and may they be inspired and filled with wonder by the story of God’s son.

    Ken Kuhn